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Creative Writing (Fachdidaktik)
Der Begriff Creative Writing bezieht sich im schulischen Kontext vor allem auf die von der Lehrkraft geleitete und strukturierte Produktion kurzer literarischer Texte (Gedichte und Prosatexte oder auch Minidramen). Der Fokus liegt auf dem kreativ-künstlerischen Prozess und dadurch auf der kreativen und sprachlichen Entwicklung des Lernenden, nicht primär auf dem Erwerb literarischer Kompetenzen. Als methodischer Ansatz im Fremdsprachenunterricht hat Creative Writing den besonderen Vorteil, dem Lernenden eine engagierte und durch positive Emotionen bestimmte Beziehung zur Zielsprache zu ermöglichen.
Read the following example of a creative writing-activity and decide whether the statements below are true or false.
In-Class Creative Writing Prompt
Step 1 (approx. 1 minute): The teacher reads out loud (twice if this seems desirable) the following short prose piece by the contemporary American writer, Lydia Davis:
They are lost, but also not lost but somewhere in the world. Most of them are small, though two are larger, one a coat and one a dog. Of the small things, one is a certain ring, one a certain button. They are lost from me and where I am, but they are also not gone. They are somewhere else, and they are there to someone else, it may be. But if not there to someone else, the ring is, still, not lost to itself, but there, only not where I am, and the button, too, there, still, only not where I am.
Davis, L. (2009): Collected Stories, New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. p.275.
Step 2 (approx. 5 minutes): The teacher says, “Think of something you've lost at some point in your life. Write a detailed description of your lost object, including where it came from, what it meant to you, and how you lost it.”
Step 3 (approx. 5 minutes): The teacher says, “Now reflect on your experience doing this exercise. How did it feel to remember and write about something you’ve lost? Did any particular emotions come up? Take a few minutes to describe your experience.”
Step 4 (approx. 5 minutes): The teacher says, “Where is your lost object now? Now imagine that someone has found your lost object. Who is this person? To what use are they putting your lost object at this very moment? Write as much as you can.”
Step 5 (approx. 15 minutes): The students are now invited to volunteer to read their texts out loud. After a text is read, other students are invited to respond.
The example above is suitable for various age groups/levels.
Creative writing activities like this are often very motivating for students.
Before students read out their texts the teacher should make sure there aren’t any mistakes in them.
Creative Writing activities can be very tiring for students because too much of an emphasis is being put on writing.