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The university's administrative structure

Freie Universität Berlin is home to twelve departments and three central institutes. Every department is constituted of several institutes and disciplines that are related to each other thematically. An overview of all departments can be found on the university’s website.

Like all public universities, Freie Universität Berlin is governed by the principle of academic administrative autonomy. A number of different committees, which are made up of elected representatives, are responsible for overlooking the university’s various responsibilities and affairs, such as the range of programs offered or study and examination regulations. Members of the following groups are part of the committees: Professors and faculty members, academic staff, students, and other employees.

The student association (FSI) is assembled of students motivated to shape the university’s policies and is open to all students. At many institutes, members of the FSI are also present at the introductory events to answer questions from new incoming students. Besides dealing with university policy, the FSI often also organizes summer and winter parties and other social activities.

The legal basis for the institutional setup of the university and the distribution of responsibilities are the Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHG), the Freie Universität’s Partial Basic Order (Teilgrundordnung), and the respective rules of procedure. You can find a list of all laws, procedural rules, and statutes relevant for students here.