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Overview of counseling services

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General Students Association (AStA) at FU Berlin


Otto-von-Simson-Straße 23, 14195 Berlin

A campus map can be found here.

For more information about their services, go to their website or click here.

Academic Advising


Student Services Center

Iltisstr. 4
14195 Berlin

A campus map can be found here.

For more information, go to this section of the OSA or take a look at the SSC's website.

Office for Students with Special Needs


Iltisstraße 1
Room 103, groundfloor

A campus map can be found here.

For more information, go to this section of the OSA or take a look at the FU's website.

Info-Service Studium


Student Services Center

Iltisstr. 4
14195 Berlin

A campus map can be found here.

For more information, go to this section of the OSA or take a look at the SSC's website.

Psychological Counseling


Student Services Center

Iltisstr. 4
14195 Berlin

A campus map can be found here.

For more information, go to this section of the OSA or take a look at the SSC's website.

Student Services Center


Student Services Center

Iltisstr. 4
14195 Berlin

A campus map can be found here.

Located on Iltisstr. 4, right next to the train station Dahlem-Dorf, this is the go-to place for all matters concerning your studies at Freie Universität Berlin. The Information Service can be found on the first floor, while the second and third floor is home to Academic Advising, the Psychological Counselling, and the office for International Student Mobility – Welcome Services.

Departmental Advising


For more information, click here.

This website lists all of the FU's departments. The departmental advisor for your study program can be found on the respective department or institute's website.

Counseling Service of studierendenWERK Berlin


The Student Union Berlin provides counselling and information on topics such as living in Berlin, financial aid, part-time work, and is also responsible for processing BAföG-applications and managing the student dorms.


This is the central point of contact for everything concerning studying at Freie Universität Berlin.


Many departments and institutes have appointed faculty members as advisors for all program- and subject-specific questions that might come up at the beginning of and during your studies. Often times there are also student-run advising offices that you can turn to for program-specific questions.


Thinking about changing subjects, universities, or dropping out entirely? Get counseling here.


For more general questions about your studies at Freie Universität Berlin, you can find answers here – on the phone, via email, or in-person.


At this place you can find help for personal problems such as lack of motivation, learning difficulties, fear of public speaking, exam anxiety, stress, and work overload.


This student-run facility offers counseling on a wide range of matters such as disability and special needs, LGBTQ rights, and labor law.


This facility is open to all students in Berlin and offers Psychological – Psychotherapeutic Counseling, counseling for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses, and social welfare counseling.


Students with disabilities and chronic illnesses can get counseling here.

For more detailed information about the different offices and facilities, click on the .