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Modules, major and minor subjects, related areas - What's the difference?
During undergraduate studies, every class you take will belong to a certain module. A module usually consists of two, sometimes three, courses that are thematically related. To complete a module, you have to pass the module examination. Depending on your study program and the amount of credit points you will be awarded upon completion of the module, the mode of examination can differ. The module descriptions in the study and examination regulations of your program can tell you more.
Minor subjects (Modulangebote) are part of a combi bachelor. The major subject (Kernfach) is either combined with a minor subject comprised of 60 credit points (CP) or two 30-CP minor subjects.
Related areas/modules (affine Bereiche) can be part of a mono bachelor. Their content is usually related to the core subject and they are supposed to enhance your academic profile.
To take classes that belong to a module offered by another department, you need the respective department's permission. To find out whether the class you have in mind fits to your study plan, you should visit the academic advising office of your home department first.