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Should I study in the first place?

It is important to consider what is important to you, how you can achieve your career goals and deepen and develop your skills and talents.

You can read more about the potential advantages and disadvantages of pursueing a univesity degree down below.

Attending university can offer you a better opportunity to pursue your scientific/academic interests than, for example, a vocational education.

At university, you will not only acquire specialized knowledge relevant for your field of study, but will also broaden your general educational horizon. You can attend classes at other departments, learn a new language, and spend some semesters studying abroad.

Being able to put together your own schedule gives you a lot of time and liberties. However, this independence and autonomy can also be a challenge, especially at the beginning of your time at university. In addition to broadening your intellectual horizon, you will also attain vital life skills in the field of time management, process optimization, and problem solution.

Some professions such as physician, pharmacist, teacher, lawyer, or psychologist require a university degree.

University graduates have more career options than people without a university degree. Your future career options are also not strictly limited to your field of study. Mathematicians and physicists, for example, often get employed by consultancy firms.

A university degree can give you an advantage when it comes to climbing up the career ladder. Many leadership positions, especially in bigger firms, require a finished degree or even a PhD title.

University graduates are statistically the least likely to become unemployed. This, however, also depends on your field of study. There is, of course, no complete guarantee that you will never lose your employment, regardless of your kind of degree.

University graduates earn, on average, up to 50% more money and often enter the professional world with a higher entry wage.

Completing a university degree program takes up more time than vocational training. Therefore, you will start earning money later.

Many programs have a strong theoretical approach and prepare you less for professional life. Acquiring practical skills will often require your own initiative, e.g. through internships or part-time jobs next to attending university.

It can well be that after graduating from university, you will have to go through intern- and traineeships first to acquire the necessary practical skills before you can really start working in your desired profession or field. 

While attending university, you will receive no income. Thus, you will have to cover your living expenses on your own. Your living standard therefore might not be particularly high during your time as a student.